Is Avoidance Making Your Anxiety Worse?

It may seem like an innocent quick fix, but avoiding uncomfortable emotions can have lasting consequences. Avoidance is natural. It’s what we do to protect ourselves from people and situations that strike us as unpleasant — or even dangerous. You probab...


Supporting Your Vagus Nerve Is Essential To Emotional Health

The ‘rest-and-digest’ link between body and brain, the vagus nerve holds the key to your emotional he...


Finding Happiness Living Alone

With the right strategies, you can be happy living solo. Living alone is a reality many of us will ha...


Silent Depression: Why The Signs Are Often Missed

New research shows that depression hits older adults more severely than other age groups, but because...


Understanding Depression in Older People

Depression among seniors gets little attention by the mental health community, even though their symp...


Relaxed, Calm
and Focused

Rebalancing Your Nervous System