When Healthy Grieving Becomes Unhealthy

Grief may be a universal experience, but it looks very different from one person to another. This can make it tricky to tell what’s healthy and what’s not. For such a common human experience, grief can make us feel completely lost and alone. Grief, as d...


How To Stop Ruminating

Breaking the cycle of negative thoughts takes practice. Start with these expert tips. You’re going ab...


It’s Not A Golden Age For Everybody

If the final third of your life is meant to be joyful and content, then why do so many older adults f...


What Do We Really Know About Healthy Aging?

A lot, in fact. Set yourself up for success by incorporating healthy aging strategies into your daily...


The Dangers Of Untreated Anxiety Later In Life

Left untreated, anxiety carries unique health risks for older adults, including heart disease and dem...


Relaxed, Calm
and Focused

Rebalancing Your Nervous System

Get Your Mind Right and Your Health Will Follow

No one can escape their thoughts. All day, every day, your inner dialogue runs in the background of y...
